Divorce terminates a marriage and separation doesn’t but most of the same issues will follow. Child customer, child visitation, child support, alimony, division of property/debt, etc. Types of Legal Separation and Separation Agreements Formal Separation...
Divorce has become pretty common but most people still don’t understand the whole divorce process. A family law / divorce attorney can help you understand the process and give you advice every step of the way. The following tips are just a little bit of divorce...
During a divorce or child custody, or modification case, a parent takes to social media to vent their frustrations and rally the troops. Well-meaning friends and family may encourage the exchange, resulting in piling on and public trash-talking of the spouse, lawyers,...
If you violate a court order, you could find yourself in contempt and should have legal representation to clear up the matter as quickly as possible. If your ex-spouse is violating a court order then it’s good to have legal representation to prove it in court....
You never want to leave a marriage thinking you didn’t do everything you possibly could do to save the marriage. But remember that not every marriage is meant to be saved. It is no surprise many married couples refrain from getting a divorce for far longer than...
If negotiation with the other party proves unsuccessful, resolving issues through informal negotiations of mediation may be a good alternative. Mediation is an informal process that lets both parties discuss important issues in a structured environment. A neutral...
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