If you have children and are getting a divorce, here are a few common mistakes parents should avoid. Emotions are running high but do not allow the tensions to influence your decisions as that is one of the worst mistakes you can make. This is a challenging time for...
Divorce isn’t easy, but high-asset divorces can get very complicated. Dividing the assets is one of the most difficult stages of divorce, followed by custody. Locating all the assets and determining their worth, while remaining cordial can be very hard, depending on...
Kentucky is an equitable distribution state which can make dividing assets appear unfair during a divorce. Most clients are under the assumption that all assets are divided in half. What is Each Spouses Contribution? Under KRS 403.190, the judge will look at each...
Once you and your spouse have decided that divorce is the only option, it may feel like a huge relief. Although you are getting a divorce, you may continue to be a part of each other’s lives forever. In some cases, your spouse may need continued financial support....
A spouse can ask for alimony after the dissolution of the marriage. Most times a spouse will ask for alimony if the other spouse was the primary provider in the marriage. In most cases, alimony will be awarded if the spouse can’t support themselves because of a...
Divorce terminates a marriage and separation doesn’t but most of the same issues will follow. Child customer, child visitation, child support, alimony, division of property/debt, etc. Types of Legal Separation and Separation Agreements Formal Separation...
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