If you have garnered some assets during your lifetime then you most definitely need estate planning. For those of you that hear about estate planning and push it off because you think that is for people more wealthy then you… think again! The following are 5...
Creating a will is probably one of the most important things you can do for you and your family! Wills legally protect your spouse, children, and your assets. Wills lay it out exactly how you would like things handled and how you want your assets passed on. The...
You don’t want to go through all the time it takes to create a plan to protect your loved ones, just to have it riddled with errors that end up causing them stress and headaches in the end. Whether you’re creating your first plan ever, or updating an existing...
It’s recommended you update your will every three to five years or each time you have a major life event. These life events include a marriage, divorce, death, birth of a child, etc. If you’re in the “have it done but need to update it” camp,...
The most important documents to have in your estate plan are your will, a trust, power of attorney, medical directives, and beneficiary designations. These documents make it easier for your loved ones to manage your care during incapacity and to settle your estate...