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How to Discover Assets Your Spouse Is Hiding During Your Divorce…

How to Discover Assets Your Spouse Is Hiding During Your Divorce…

Once the divorce process starts, many individuals will do whatever they can to hold on to what they feel is their own money when marital property is divided. Some people even have secret accounts and other financial activities during the entire length of the marriage....
Do Incarcerated Parents Pay Child Support in Kentucky?

Do Incarcerated Parents Pay Child Support in Kentucky?

There are approximately 1.49 million people in federal and state prison. More than 50 percent of those inmates have one or more children under the age of 18, leaving an estimated 2.7 million children with a parent incarcerated. In addition, a 2003 study estimated that...
Can I Change the Terms of My Divorce Settlement?…

Can I Change the Terms of My Divorce Settlement?…

Divorce is a highly contentious ares of law. Divorcees are not as quick to turn toward private settlement negotiation to resolve their dispute. Once you sign your divorce agreement, or after a family court has issued a judgment, it can be difficult to change the terms...

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